Retirement is Not Something That Just Happens
Take the stress out of preparing for retirement and get the system working for YOU.

It's great to have someone show you what worked for them... It's BETTER to have someone show you exactly what will work for YOU!
That’s what I do.
I am a retirement specialist so you don’t have to be.
Nothing makes me happier than having a student tell me they finally understand.
That they actually know how to retire. That they can do this.
And are looking forward to the next chapter.
That’s why I do what I do.

Free "Roadmap to Retirement"
Things you need to know now and at every point until you retire.
We will never spam you or share your Email with anyone. If you are a federal employee, be aware many of the government firewalls will not allow the Benefits Blast to come through. You may wish to sign up with your personal email address.
Retiring from your job with peace of mind.
I’ve talked to thousands of people over the past two decades about their plans – or lack thereof – for retirement. Did you know that study after study shows that we spend more time planning family vacations, weddings, and graduations than we do retirement?
Sure, we assume we’ll retire one day but we don’t think about how or what that will look like.
Life passes quickly.
Before we know it, we’re eligible to retire but know nothing about the process, our benefits, or how to take retirement from dream to reality.

Agencies aren’t staffed to provide assistance like they once were. Many employees never have the opportunity to attend training. You have to teach yourself retirement.

There’s so much information. It’s too complicated.
I’ve actually had people tell me they can never retire because it’s too overwhelming.
It doesn’t have to be. Retirement is the beginning of a new chapter; a chapter that can be incredibly fulfilling with proper planning.
I Simplify the Complicated Topic of Retirement Planning
I created Pinnacle Personnel Services as a way to help people get comfortable with and gain confidence in planning for their retirement. I share retirement information and money topics in plain & simple terms so that we all – real people with real lives – can understand it.
Retirement is a significant step
I will ensure you understand the full range of benefits available to you, as well as how to make the most of those benefits. Every service I offer provides critical information you need to make sound choices about your retirement.
You're not alone.
Pinnacle Personnel Services

The Retirement Code:
Watch videos when and where it’s convenient for you. Download customizable worksheets to refer to as you go through this virtual course, and the retirement process. I’ll even take the notes for you and provide those in easy to understand, logical sequence to ensure you’re covering all of your bases as you put this retirement puzzle together.

In-Person Seminars:
Spend the day with me. Learn from a seasoned retirement specialist in an interactive environment with other federal attendees. You’ll leave knowing everything you need to about your personal retirement benefits.

Virtual Workshops:
Live interactive sessions but in the virtual classroom. These four hour blocks are just enough to give you everything you need to know about budgeting, retirement planning, your federal retirement, Social Security, insurance options or the Thrift Savings Program.

Personal Consulting:
If DIY is just not something you’re comfortable with, I provide private consultations. We’ll speak, virtually, about your retirement plans and concerns. Based upon that discussion and your submitted documentation, I’ll prepare a detailed and comprehensive personal retirement report which we’ll go through together.
I’m Debbie Hatch
Preparing for retirement requires a consistent series of small and sometimes boring steps.
Think of retirement planning as you would planting a garden. You cannot plant seeds today, and reap a harvest from your garden tomorrow.
You have to prep the land, plant the seeds; weed, and nourish the seedlings; make sure they get enough sun and water, but not too much. You have to repeatedly chase the damn squirrels and deer off!! You have to wait for the plants to mature before you get vegetables.
That’s the beauty of it though. We all understand it.
Simple is the foundation of every single thing I do.
Your life is complicated.
Your job may be complex.
Your retirement planning doesn’t have to be.

Success Stories
Your booklet is sitting on top of my keyboard at home and I have begun constructing my retirement spreadsheet. My wife and I will use it to plan/assessment our retirement options in the very near term. The class was valuable not only by presenting the nuts-and-bolts facts, but also by spurring us to think and plan.
That’s what Deborah Hatch is. She will coach you through benefit decisions so that you will be able to take advantage of all opportunities that are available for you. Although she will answer questions for your unique situation she will NOT take the test for you. Only you know what’s best for your own circumstances and she can only present you options. I have greatly benefited from Debbie’s advice; the open season doesn’t seem as frightening as it once was.
I ran into the training coordinator yesterday and he started "venting" about how he could not find anyone to provide high quality retirement training. Previous instructors couldn’t explain the topic to any level of detail. I remember you answering all kinds of tough questions (without being demeaning or making people feel dumb for asking) and getting rave reviews from all participants. I’ve scheduled A LOT of training. You have been - by far - the easiest to work with and always received the greatest reviews. I gave him your name.
I wanted to sincerely and genuinely thank you from all of us for instructing the Retirement Training Seminar at Youngstown. I have attended a few of these classes over the years. Yours is the best. Please continue to do what you do, spreading the gospel, preparing our Federal Employees for their future. So many of us will benefit from your wealth of knowledge. We all look forward to working with you in the future!
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Five Things To Know About TSP’s Mutual Fund Window
Many participants have asked for a TSP Mutual Fund Window. It’s finally here but it’s definitely not for everyone. There is additional risk, additional fees, and limits to participation.

Like the Seasons, Some of Your Retirement Numbers Are Changing
Oh my gosh. Miracles really do happen! It’s been forever since I’ve posted a blog. Like (I’m sure) most of you, I’ve been incredibly busy – teaching four to five days every week, including classes

The average age federal employees retire is 61.8. Life expectancy is 83 to 86.
That means many of us will be in retirement for 20 or more years. (Congressional Research Service). We’ll need three things for this next chapter: health, wealth, and a sense of personal fulfillment.
Plain & Simple: (Breaking) The Retirement Code
Enrollment Now Open!
An online course giving federal employees like you the space, support, and guidance you need to transition to transition into retirement without all the stress and worry.
In this online course I’ll take you through the same retirement planning process I’ve been using in the classroom for almost 20 years.

Get in Touch
Questions? Fill out the form below to send me a message.
We will never spam you or share your Email with anyone. If you are a federal employee, be aware many of the government firewalls will not allow the Benefits Blast to come through. You may wish to sign up with your personal email address.

Few things frustrate me more than gurus who try to make the topic as complicated as possible.
I’ve been told I shouldn’t talk about retirement in plain English.
That I’m making things too simple.
They’ve corrected my words by saying
“Technically 5 USC uses [synonym for what I just said].”
They shut me down for a little while. I backed away. But then I thought about my goals. I made a decision not to let internet trolls who don’t even use their own names to decide who I can and cannot help.
My top priority is YOU. Period.
It’s my mission that every single person who comes to this website, gets answers to their questions and knows exactly how the system works for them. For you. I’m here. How can I help?