TSP Concerns & More Changes
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch With so much being reported over the past couple of days, and wide-spread hysteria about TSP, I’d like to clarify a few things. First, THE CONCERNS. While I
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch With so much being reported over the past couple of days, and wide-spread hysteria about TSP, I’d like to clarify a few things. First, THE CONCERNS. While I
Pinnacle Personnel Services, LLC | Debbie Hatch Updated 21 Nov 2019 I wrote Part I of this blog a couple days ago. It discussed why people worry about “Surviving the Holidays”, and some of the
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch Medicare Part A Is typically paid through a payroll tax. Employers pay 1.45% of earnings and employees pay a minimum of 1.45% themselves. Under the Affordable Care Act
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch Updated 20 Nov 2019 The days are shorter. There’s a nip in the air. Many leaves have fallen to the ground. It’s already snowed in several places across
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch Great news! This past Friday, President Trump signed into law the TSP Modernization Act. This law provides welcomed changes to the thrift savings program. First introduced in the
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a law creating Social Security on 14 August 1935. Our country was in the midst of a great depression at the time. He
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch And so it continues. Warning * Warning * Warning * Warning * Warning When I tell you there are people out there taking advantage of federal employees, I’m
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch On my way home from Oklahoma, yesterday, I sat next to a lady who struck up a conversation. Long story short, she’s 88 years old. She was flying to
Pinnacle Personnel Services LLC | Debbie Hatch Online security is super important. Many of your online accounts likely already use double authentication. Last summer, the Social Security Administration added it but mandated the second device
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