Pinnacle Personnel | Debbie Hatch
These are frightening, anxiety-provoking times both in life and in money. The virus IS serious. We now have a pandemic.
Added to that, there’s also wide-spread hysteria and SO MUCH misinformation. As always, there are already scams and numerous people trying to make a buck on other’s misfortune. Some people aren’t working or, if they are, have seen their income decreased. The world-wide economy, and definitely our US one, has taken a huge hit.
I’m not an infectious disease expert so I’m not going to give you medical advice or weigh in on that which is being given. Can we face this fact? Most of the people writing SM posts right now, aren’t infectious disease experts either!! AND, even if you know some that are, this is a novel virus. They don’t have many of the answers figured out either.
I’m not a mental health provider so I cannot provide help with anxiety, explain hoarding mentality, rational/irrational fear or anything in those areas. Most of the SM “warriors” are not licensed mental health clinicians either, by the way.
I am just a person who helps other people plan for their retirement. Just a person who can talk about health, wealthy, and personal fulfillment. In times like this, I know that all I can do – and suggest others do – is try to focus on what we can control.
– We can control whether we drive ourselves nuts by following its performance with second by second updates and alerts. If you’re not retiring tomorrow, you need to treat your retirement investments like you’re currently treating your face (and it will likely be as hard) – – don’t touch them.
– We can protect ourselves from predatory companies who are trying to feed off our fear. This morning I received six emails similar to this one.
It’s BS. Truly. If you want to invest in gold or other precious metals, that’s fantastic. Trying to convince people to take their workplace retirement plans out – at any time but especially when the market is down is irresponsible and done for nefarious gains. These companies are not looking out for you; they’re looking out for themselves.
– We can decide whether to profit from lower ones by refinancing IF that makes sense in our personal situation. We can stay the course, if it doesn’t make sense.
– We can wash our hands, try not to touch our faces so much (I’m glad people are finally learning this!! These have always been the best way to stay healthy).
– We can be as responsible as possible in protecting our society. We can extend a hand to those in a worse situation than ourselves. We can smile at our neighbors and be there for one another.
There’s a LOT of bad information out there. Listen to the health professionals vs “people on the street” or the politicians. Here’s a link to the CDC and the WHO.
There are many things still not known. Please take care of yourself. Tell your friends and family how much you love them.
2 thoughts on “I’m not an infectious disease expert and likely, neither are you”
You ROCK! It’s about time people learn to wash their hands.
I retire 1 Oct and right before the market started to tank, I changed my portfolio to a more moderate 30% mix, before I was 90% risky and it served me well.
Now I plan to delay accessing my TSP and focus on the deals I’m able to invest in. I’m doing max contributions with a catch-up.
I haven’t purchased extra toilet paper and refuse to buy into the mass hysteria.
Hear, hear. Good for you Kimberly.